Saturday, 31 March 2012


With in the modern days, phlebotomist labors work under a variety of conditions. There are no fixed or standard working salaries for a phlebotomist. The salary range of a phlebotomist depends upon the type and location of his/her work institution.

Several online website display a list of the normal average salary for a phlebotomist with in the United States. The distribution of median salaries as per regions with in the US is as.
1.   Northeast, US $29,300
2.   Mid Atlantic, US $28,900
3.   South, US $26,000
4.   West, US $28,600
5.   Midwest, US $27,100
Most of the phlebotomist’s working for organizations are paid generous benefits according to their salary packages. While working for these organizations, a phlebotomist has to perform a variety of clerical and bookkeeping tasks along with drawing of blood. Being able to work in a multi task environment, with high levels of stress and low pay are recipe for high turnover amongst phlebotomist. Organizations are found valuing phlebotomists who all are specialized in some sort of special training or skills and are generally keen to keep such phlebotomist hired for a long term.
Mentioned below are some places where a phlebotomist needs to deliver his/her services.
1.   Working in a military field hospital.
2.   Working in a prison infirmary.
3.   Working for collection of blood.
4.   Working in hospitals.
5.   Working in pharmaceutical labs.
6.   Working in a doctor’s office or public health clinics.

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